When should I arrive?  Plan to arrive 10 minutes prior to the scheduled times to allow for parking.  If you have children that you wish to register for Children's Ministry, please allow an additional 5-10 minutes to do so. Our children's ministry classes are located down the West and East Halls of our building.  Our greeters are happy to help you find a classroom or you can always stop by the information desk in the middle of the lobby to ask for directions and someone would be happy to assist! 

Where should I go?  As you pull into our parking lot, our church is Building 2 on the east side of the parking lot.  You will enter through the two large glass main entrances on either the east or west side of the building.

Where should I park? Our parking lot surrounds all sides of the church.  There are reserved ADA parking spaces on the east and west sides near the main entrances.

What should I expect?  We meet corporately for our weekly worship service in the worship center. This is a time for the body to praise and worship our Lord. Together, we begin with participatory praise and worship, then we read Scripture, we pray, and we hear the teaching of God’s Word. Each service lasts about 75 minutes and we would love for you to visit with us in the lobby or at Cafe 2:42 after the service to get to know our church family.

What are my childcare options?  You are welcome to keep your children in the service with you. However, for those who wish, we are intentional about communicating the truth of the gospel in age-appropriate ways and we provide childcare/classes (learn more) for children birth through 6th grade during both Worship Services. If you have a child with special needs, please email our Children's Ministry director and let us know how we can serve you!

What should I wear? Our emphasis is not on what you wear but who you are and how you can grow in your knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.

Am I expected to give an offering?  Giving at San Tan Bible Church is part of our worship to the Lord. Offering boxes are located in the lobby or you can click here for other giving options. As a visitor, please do not feel obligated to give.  

What do I bring?  If you have a Bible, we encourage you to bring it with you.  If not, we have Bibles available for you at the information desk in our lobby for you to use and to keep.

How can I learn more?  You can learn much more about San Tan Bible Church by visiting our information desk in the lobby, reading our website or contacting any of our ministry leaders. 

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