VISION: "Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ." Colossians 1:28 ESV
MISSION: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you;” - Matthew 28:19a ESV
PURPOSE: To train and grow women through Biblical truth, using mentoring, discipleship, study of God's Word (both independently and with other women), prayer and fellowship.
OBJECTIVE: To promote, encourage and build mentoring between women as laid out in Titus 2 (younger women in the Lord connected to wiser, older women in the Lord).
AUTHORITY: Women's Ministry leadership submits to the authority of the elders of San Tan Bible Church. Bibe studies, programs, events and potential leadership are presented to the elders for their approval.
February Donation Drive
In support of Choices Pregnancy Center, a local ministry committed to Pro-Life, STBC is collecting the following items: diapers of all sizes, baby lotions/creams, hair brushes & combs, nail clippers, teethers and rattles. All items can be brought to the church office and dropped off in the specified collection area in the church lobby. Donations will be accepted through the month of February. Thank you!
Refine AM Bible Study
Wednesdays, 9:30 – 11:30am September 11, 2024 - April 30, 2025
"So she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, "You are a God who sees me for she said, "Truly here I have seen him who looks after me." Genesis 16:13. Hagar encountered a God who took personal interest in her affairs and proved to be the only One who was able to meet her need. Who is this God who sees? How does He reveal Himself to us? Who does He say He is? Why does it matter? Join us this year as our study guides us through the attributes of God. Observe how He interacts with His creation in the events of history and in the lives of His people. Join us as we gaze upon the God who sees us.
The Refine AM Bible study includes teaching, table discussion, prayer time and either a testimony, historical biography, or helpful tools to grow in your walk with the Lord. Childcare for children birth through kindergarten and a homeschool room for 1st -6th grade children is available upon registration. Register HERE.
Refine PM Bible Study
Wednesdays 6:30pm – 8:00pm September 11, 2024 - May 7, 2025
Refine PM will be using A.W.Tozer’s book ‘The Knowledge of the Holy’ as their guide. Time together will be spent reviewing each chapter and sharing insights through discussion and teaching led by Robin Lindberg and Renee Shivers. Register HERE.
Refine Mom's Connect
1st Wednesdays – 9:30 – 11:30am September 4, 2024 - May 7, 2025
Mom's Connect is a ministry for moms of all ages and stages. Whether you are a new mom, experienced mom or just someone who has a heart for moms, this ministry is for you.
The theme of the year for Mom's Connect is "Watchful". As wives and moms we are to be watchful of our homes, families, time and talents. Mom’s Connect provides a topical biblical lesson, application-based table group discussion, a segment called Mindful Moments, which provides helpful instruction for sharing important biblical truths to our children in big ways and small, and a special feature that is creative, fun and useful to the home. Join us as we dive into Scripture and learn practical ways to be watchful women in many areas of life.
Please register HERE before attending. We provide childcare for children birth through kindergarten and a homeschool room for 1st-6th grade children.
Refine AM & PM Intercessors
Refine AM Intercessors meets every Thursday (Sept. 12, 2024 – May 7, 2025) 9:00–10:15am. Leader: Kristine Williams. Please check the calendar for up to date schedule.
Refine PM Intercessors meets the 1st & 3rd Sunday evenings (Sept. 15, 2024 - April 20, 2025) 5:00 – 6:30pm. Leader: Shelley Parker. Please check the calendar for up to date schedule.
“Pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17. As we gather as women, our goal is to grow more in the likeness of Christ by submitting our prayerful expectations to Him, whether they be for the world, our nation, our church, our schools, or our families. Join us for a time of encouragement, refreshment and hope as we pray together. Register HERE.
In Home Events
Join us for one or all of our fun events that take place in a comfortable setting of one of our Refine ladies homes on either a Friday evening or Saturday morning. Each 'In Home Event' is meant to be light, creative and practical. These events will be posted 3 weeks prior to the event for registration purposes.
Coffee Connections
These small gatherings in a home allow women to get to know each other in a more intimate yet casual way through fellowship and refreshments.
SIS Club
2nd Sunday evenings, October 2024 through April 2025 5:00 – 7:00pm
Sisters In Service is a ministry for girls in grades 4-6 who attend San Tan Bible Church. The goal of our ministry is to train young girls to serve in the local church while making lasting friendships. Each meeting consists of a fun ice breaker, worship through singing, time in God's Word, prayer, and a service project. This year the girls will be studying about the “I Am Statements of Jesus”. Moms of the girls are encouraged and expected to help in different ways through the year. Register your daughter(s) by contacting our Coordinator: Allison Frazey
GriefShare for Women Only:
What is GriefShare? When a loved one passes away, you may find yourself wondering, “What am I to do now?” GriefShare is a Christ-centered grief support group which will help you navigate the painful, and sometimes confusing, feelings of loss. Join us for a 13-week course which will give you the tools to move forward in your grief – and find joy in the journey. We typically host a session twice a year, spring and fall. Facilitators: Tish Bowling and Elly Lang
Spring session begins Tuesday, 1/14/25.
Register HERE for GriefShare at STBC - women only.
Refine Discipleship/Mentoring
Titus 2:3-5 encourages the older woman to teach, guide and instruct the younger woman. Connecting women one-on-one helps develop and deepen relationships all through sharing wisdom and guidance for everyday life. Coordinator: Robyn Bloomquist
Refine Showers of Blessing
Women of San Tan Bible Church gather to bless first-time moms and soon-to-be brides with an informal open house shower. Each event will include refreshments and a short devotional. Coordinators: Lauren Walter , Melody Pati and Eve Lee.
Special Events
During the year, Refine Women's Ministry will provide special events for women - junior high/high school girls welcome. These events may be creative craft fairs, seminars or conferences. All special events will have a speical promotion and registration.