Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

For instructions to access your 2024 giving statement, click HERE.

 Ways to Give at STBC
1. Give Online or Download the SecureGive App in the Play or Apple store

We realize that there is an ease and convenience with giving online and we are thankful to make that available through the SecureGive online giving platform. You can create an account with SecureGive and set-up recurring giving as well as make one-time donations or purchases (books, retreats, camps, etc). The convenience does come with a cost. We want to make sure you are aware that a portion of your digital giving will go to processing fees (1.5% to 1.75% for debit and 2.0% to 2.5% for credit). If you would like 100% of your giving to go to the church, you can choose the option to offset the fees when submitting your online donation or you may prefer to give by check or cash.

2. Bank Bill Pay

Have your regular offering deducted from your checking account, either automatically or prompted by you online. (100% of your donation goes to STBC).  See your bank or credit union for details.

Church Information: 

San Tan Bible Church  3000 E. Ray Road Ste 107 Gilbert, AZ 85296 ph.# 480-999-3604

3. Cash or Check

Cash gifts and offerings should only be given on a Sunday morning (do not send cash through the mail). Be sure to place cash in a giving envelope and complete the information requested on the envelope before dropping into the offering boxes in the church lobby. 

You can give by check during our Sunday worship service or through the mail to our business mailbox. (Note: different address than where we meet). Be sure to note what ministry your gift is meant for on the memo line of your check. 

Mailing address: 3000 E. Ray Rd #107 Gilbert 85296. 

You are always welcome to drop off your giving at the church office which is open from 9:00-3:00pm on Tuesday-Thursday. (Hours vary during the summer and holidays).

4. Stock and Estate

San Tan Bible Church welcomes donations of stocks and other marketable securities. We are also grateful for estate donations.  To set up giving assets, please contact us here.

What you should know about gift designations

Donors are able to make a designation indicating their preference for how their donations may be allocated to the general fund, the building fund or the benevolence fund. STBC supports all of our missionaries and ministries through the general fund.  However, it should be noted that the IRS has stated: if contributions to the fund are earmarked by the donor for a particular individual, they are treated, in effect, as being gifts to the designated individual and are not tax deductible.

If you have any questions about giving to STBC, please click here.